Meet our wonderful Publisher Martingale Books!

pat sloan martingale collage

Jane and I are thrilled that at the end of this 100 block The Splendid Sampler™ journey that all the blocks will be published in a beautiful book.  We’ll have the designer stories, multiple layouts and gorgeous photos!!

pat sloan with blocks

In January I flew out to Seattle and hand carried on the plane 160 of the 200 quilt blocks needed to make up the two main The Splendid Sampler™ quilts!! Before I can put them into a quilt, they will each be photographed flat so you can see them clearly in our book.  It was SO exciting to be able to work in their offices for a the week.

Martingale is also sewing along with us this year, sharing our work, the blocks we all do, and helping us make this a super smooth event, thank you to them!

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Plus they are the publisher of my books and the books of many of the designers on the team!  Take a look.

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